FALL 2024 Schedule
Monday CAKE 9AM ET
Tuesday BLY 845AM ET
Wednesday CAKE 9AM *no class 9/4
Thursday BLY 845AM ET
You will have to create an account with Hey Marvelous and then you will have access to all of Blue Light’s offerings.
Drop-In Movement Class $21 (valid for Blue Light Yoga and CAKE live classes and replays; expires in 7 days)
5-Class Movement Card $95 (valid for Blue Light Yoga and CAKE live classes and replays; expires in 30 days)
Movement Membership $120/Month (UNLIMITED access to all CAKE and Blue Light Yoga classes, live and recorded; can be cancelled anytime)
“I practice Blue Light Yoga and CAKE because the lunacy and blessings of COVID brought me back to the mat. I loved Georgia’s classes from my Boston days and I am so grateful to have found her again. Her classes make me laugh and sweat, and her cues for alignment and strength building rock. Every weekday morning she peers into the screen and greets us all. And the kickass music plays and our day begins. It has given me structure and community in the wackiest of times.”
FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM @blue.light.yoga
“The question is not what you look at, but what you see.”