One of Georgia’s passions is facilitating group discussions. She is always amazed at the universe’s capacity to bring the “just right” group together at the “just right” time in each of their lives. Blue Light discussions are inspired by everyday occurrences, encourage emotional and interpersonal growth, and foster community and connection. Discussions may also be led by community members.
What are some possible benefits of being part of a Blue Light Discussion?
Community Building
New Connections
Realize you’re not alone
Motivation to do something new or different
Gain new perspective
Help someone else
Feel supported
Exposure to others’ ideas
Find inspiration or new hope
Learn something new
Discussions occur every other month and are included in the Enrichment Membership. There is a $16 drop-in fee for non-Enrichment Members.
If you have a theme you would like to explore or if you would like to facilitate a discussion, please email georgia@bluelightyoga.com.
Upcoming Discussions
Past Discussions
“You have such a talent for this all... thank you. ”
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“Sweet, crazy conversations full of half sentences, daydreams and misunderstandings more thrilling than understanding could ever be.”