

1) Check out this Ted Talk on revolutionary love.  Plus it's a great preview for when we read this on April 28 with Mark Longhurst for our Blue Light Book Club.  

2) This is the cake I make every Valentines Day, and this is how I bake it.  

3) Hawkeye and Cora get me every time.  What is your favorite cinematic love story?


1) Because of Ash Wednesday, Blue Light Book Club will meet on Tuesday at 630PM.  Haven't had a chance to read the book yet?  We totally get it AND we totally want you to join Katy has decided to focus on 2 essays from Macdonald's book: the title essay "Vesper Flights" and "High-Rise."'ve got two days to read (or reread) 18 pages, and trust us, they're worth it: awe-inspiring, thought-provoking, and beautifully crafted.  Oh, did I mention Katy is a professor at Middlebury College?  Hello!?  This is a perfect opportunity to change up your evening routine (which I'm guessing is pretty stale at this point) and connect with others in a meaningful way.  Register here.  All proceeds will be donated to the National Audubon Society.  

2) If January wasn't the right time for you to participate in RITUAL, and/or like many of us, you are feeling the COVID blues, Jenny and I are offering a self-guided journey of the materials.  The program will be available to purchase on Namastream February 17th - 24th.  Participants will have until the end of March to explore lessons and concepts at their own pace.  So mark your calendar and/or share the link with anyone else you know who may need a little Stillness, Nourishment & Movement for this final stretch of Winter.  Our advice: get a friend to sign up too, and take the journey together!  

3) Introducing: Blue Light Group, a time for folks to gather together and receive support on a particular topic.  Think: one-hit wonder support group.   Our first Blue Light Group will meet at 12pm on Tuesday, February 23 and will focus on the very real and relevant COVID BLUES.   Almost a year into this pandemic, in the belly of winter, we are feeling all the feels we anticipated: restless, bored, heavy, lonely, anxious, unproductive, tired, short-fused, lethargic, uncertain, anxious, lost, stuck...  If you're nodding your head, uh-humming right now, this Blue Light Group could help.  Groups are powerful sources of clarity and connection- it is in the collective where the wisdom lives.    Blue Light Group sessions will run for 50 minutes, and are included in the Motherload Membership or $20 to drop-in.    Register here.


1) Please answer this single question so I can rest easy that I send you relevant and meaningful information and do not crowd your inbox. 

2) Please consider a Blue Light Membership.

3) If you feel so moved, please tell someone about Blue Light.

Veronica Brown