into the blue- blue light collective

I love yoga AND so much more.  For a long time, I've wanted to create Blue Light Barn, a place for people to connect, evolve, support, and inspire over all good things organically born out of the community.  If you're ever in Charleston, in my friend's uncle's dining room, grab a chair, reach up high, above the looming sideboard, and you'll find a dusty terrine holding 6 of our 2010 New Year's Resolutions. Mine reads: I'm going to create Blue Light Barn.  I never would have imagined, ten years later, a world pandemic that sent us all to our rooms to reflect on how poorly we treat our Earth and each other would be the catalyst to following through on my resolution. 

Our intentions rarely manifest in their original form.  That's the beauty and challenge of creating something- you have to be receptive and adaptive to how your idea meets the world.  So, for now, Blue Light is growing online under the guise of Blue Light Collective.  The virtual community will sustain us while we have to stay physically distanced, and create an ever-lasting foundation to build upon when we're ready for in-person classes, events, collaborations, retreats.  The Blue Light Collective is a HUGE and necessary step towards Blue Light Barn.  I wouldn't have realized this in the pre-COVID world, but Blue Light cannot exist without a far-reaching, limitless community.  

If you're reading this, I consider you a member of the Blue Light Collective and I'm so excited and grateful to have you, regardless of whether you practice Blue Light Yoga or CAKE.  In an effort to align Blue Light to you, please take a moment to fill out the survey below.

Until next Sunday,

PS How about the new photos? Huge thank you and shout out to Margaret Lampert!

PPS New website/logos are coming.

Survey to Align Blue Light to You

Out of the Blue This Week

  1. NO CAKE tomorrow; instead I'm teaching a special 4pm Blue Light Yoga class that will incorporate Meditation, Flow, and Yin.

  2. LIVE classes will return to 9am start beginning Tuesday, October 13

  3. I'm teaching a sequence workshop for David Vendetti's teacher training this coming Saturday 10-12pm and it's open to everyone.

  4. Our first Blue Light Book Club is Wednesday, October 21 at 630pm.  We'll be discussing Caste by Isabel Wilkerson.  There's a small admission fee ($6), which will be donated to Justice Aid.

Veronica Brown