November 14 to November 17 2019 with Katy Smith Abbott & Georgia Reath
A 3-night 4-day retreat in Shelburne Vermont for MOTHERS of daughters to LISTEN and LEARN and CONNECT and GROW through YOGA, STORY TELLING, and DISCUSSION.
Do you have a daughter?
If the answer is yes, then we invite you to join us on a very special retreat, where you will:
—Gain awareness around why our daughters are experiencing heightened levels of anxiety and stress in their everyday lives.
—Reflect on the specific pressures and challenges our daughters face or could face; what we are modeling for our daughters; and how we draw wisdom, hope and strength from our own stories.
—Acquire tools to help our daughters (and ourselves) navigate these pressures and challenges.
—Cultivate community, compassion, empathy, and resilience.
In coming together in the beautiful landscape of Shelburne Vermont, we will draw strength and insight from yoga, meditation, breath work, shared stories, the natural world, lectures and discussions, and nourishing locally-sourced meals.
A typical day on the retreat will look like this:
Wake up to a light breakfast (Yes, there will be coffee!)
Blue Light Yoga practice with breathwork and meditation led by Georgia
Brunch catered by the very special Jenny Byrne of Contigo Kitchen (
Lecture and Discussion on Cultivating Healthy Risk Taking, Tolerance for Failure and Self Compassion led by Katy and Georgia (one example from the curriculum)
Free time to explore the natural landscape of Shelburne Farms
Coming together to hear a college-aged woman share her story
Dinner by Contigo Kitchen
Early to bed
Private Room $1975
Shared Room $1450
Cozy Up in a Triple (shared King Bed and Blow-Up Bed) $925
Each room comes with a private bathroom. Cost includes 3 nights lodging, daily Blue Light Yoga class, entire Mothers, Daughters, Stories curriculum, and all meals starting Thursday dinner through Sunday brunch.
If you are interested in being part of this very special retreat, please email to reserve a spot with a $500 deposit. The retreat will be limited to 12-15 people.
Georgia Reath (l) and Katy Smith Abbott (r)
Katy Smith Abbott is a faculty member at Middlebury College, where she has taught art history since 1996. Katy served as Dean of Students and Dean of the College between 2011-2017, a period of time in which skyrocketing levels of anxiety in college-aged women became a matter of local and national concern. Her own experience in advising and mentoring young women, as well as that of raising a daughter (now 19) anchors and inspires her work with Mothers, Daughters, Stories.
Georgia Reath has an EdM in Counseling Psychology from Columbia University and been teaching yoga since 2006. She leads multiple group retreats, workshops and trainings. Recently Georgia has worked privately with elementary-aged girls suffering from anxiety. She is the mother of a 6-year-old daughter who dreams of being a police woman. Her path to working with Katy on Mothers, Daughters, Stories has been a natural unfolding that feels inspired, authentic and necessary.